How did Fatfish, a small team based in Malcha Technology Park in Jerusalem, end up partnering with Tony Robbins in his first live Event in Israel?
Who is Fatfish?
We at Fatfish have been inspired by Tony Robbins since our humble beginnings in 2005. Since then we have been dreaming big, which is admirable, but as Tony puts its, ‘the path to success is to take massive, determined action”. With this in mind, we set out to work diligently day in day out, with each and every project we do. Because we know our quality of work should do the talking.
We also want to be continuously improving, sharing knowledge both in house and to the open source community we are a part of. Always looking to how we can advance in technology and services to our client, we have built up to international brands such as Motorola, Land Rover and now proud to add Tony Robbins to that list.
Our giant within has awoken.
How did we connect with Tony?
As is often the case in life, it is who you know more than what you know. As we didn’t know Tony before we partnered up, how did we do it?
Another Tony quote, “You become what you do most of the time”, so with diligent hard work, we had built a name for ourselves with production company sabrespro on several projects prior, including Jamiroquai and Chris Rock. These projects at the time were challenging, having several setbacks and redesigns, but as we stayed persistence, determined to deliver the clients vision for the website we had proven ourselves to deliver quality work and at reasonable cost, but more than that, we connected with our client on a personal level, so when they wanted a website built, they thought Fatfish.
How the website was built?
After discussions with the client and as time was a crucial factor here, we agreed on using wordpress, which would quickly deliver the website and give the client immediate access to add content. In fact the website was up and running in a week, with tickets selling out in hours.
As most will know, wordpress is easy to use and difficult to master and our expert developers were able to swiftly provide a base template for the client to see, agree, amend and append.
We have experience will a host of clients, all with different needs, and depending on these needs we can offer the best solution. We also have drupal experts, as well as building web or mobile native applications, see our portfolio here.
If you feel inspired by Tony Robbins and have a website or app that you want to build or take to the next level feel free to reach out to us to discuss options and let us know what is your favorite Tony Robbins quote?
Our top 10 Tony Robbins Quotes.
“You become what you do most of the time.”
- “Stay committed to your decisions, but stay flexible in your approach.”
“If you talk about it, it's a dream, if you envision it, it's possible, but if you schedule it, it's real.”
“If you can't you must, and if you must you can.”
“Every problem is a gift - without problems we would not grow.”
“The path to success is to take massive, determined action.”
“The only impossible journey is the one you never begin.”
“The quality of your life is a direct reflection of the quality of the questions you are asking yourself”
“Changing an organization, a company, a country—or a world—begins with the simple step of changing yourself.”
“1. What do I really want? (Vision.) 2. What is important about it? (Values.) 3. How will I get it? (Methods.) 4. What is preventing me from having it? (Obstacles.) 5. How will I know I am successful? (Measurements.)”